BD Ultra Thin Slate VeneerTM

by Backlit DecorTM


Available Colors

Click on a color of your choice and see different lighting effects from Warm White (3000K) and Cool White (4500K) to Bright White (6000K).

Color temperature of whites can make a huge difference in appearance.

Most projects nowadays are sold using variable white LED's which can be controlled/ dimmed via remote control showing a spectrum of white tones including the above.

This material shows great with RGB LED's (see bottom of page)

Natural Onyx Real Stone Veneer Thin Slate Veneer 

 Faux Onyx Faux Marble Custom Surfaces

 Click on the image for different color temperatures.


Accolades & Reviews

Houzz Reviews 80px HOUZZ 2016 80px   HOUZZ 2017 80px   HOUZZ 2019   Best of houzz 80x80   HOUZZ 2022



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Handcrafted in the USA transparent


Sales:(830) 733-9732
Production:(518) 647-4474


